Annual Reports

The 2023-2024 fiscal year Annual Report tells the stories of the people who make CLC come to life every day.

In FY 2023-2024 our Head Start/Early Head Start program served a total of 70 at-risk families. At any given time, 40 children (3-5 year olds) were enrolled in Head Start’s program and 36 (0-3 year olds) were enrolled in Early Head Start. We serve Teton County’s most at-risk families, many of whom are Latino. We provide a full range of education, health, and parenting services to support these families and prepare their children for kindergarten.

The 2021-2022 school year brought big changes at Children’s Learning Center. While the pandemic undeniably changed the way early education services are delivered, CLC also restructured the program after two of its longtime directors retired. This year was the first time all of the CLC’s programming; Head Start and Early Head Start, Childcare, and Special Education services, were brought together under one program director. This major shift was an opportunity to unite Children’s Learning Center in a new way and strengthen the program by tapping into the strengths of our diverse programs and staff.

In FY2021-2022 our Head Start/ Early Head Start program served 76 at-risk families. Forty-five children (3-5 year olds) were enrolled in Head Start’s program and 46 (0-3 year olds) in Early Head Start. We are the program in Teton County that serves our community’s most at-risk families, many of whom are Latino. We provide a full range of education, health, and parenting services to support these families and prepare their children for kindergarten.

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An investment in our kids is an investment for the future.