The Learning Center was founded to provide developmental screenings and early interventions in Teton County.
The Learning Center expanded to provide the same services in Sublette County.
The Learning Center added inclusive preschool classrooms in Teton and Sublette Counties.
Teton County Early Head Start became part of The Learning Center.
Teton County Head Start was added to The Learning Center.
The Learning Center merged with Community Children’s Project (CCP) to become Children’s Learning Center.
The Rafter J Ranch facility of Children’s Learning Center opened in Jackson, doubling the childcare slots at CLC and housing Teton County’s Special Education department.
The Mercill facility opened in Jackson, with 15,000 sq. ft., 109 children and housing Teton County Education department, Head Start department and Regional office.
Kindergarten Readiness
CLC collaborates with Teton County School District and Systems of Education to prepare pre-schoolers for successful transitions to kindergarten and we host panel discussions with parents and providers.
Infant Care
CLC is helping organizations establish their own parent co-ops for infant care. CLC helped Public Health develop an on-site infant care that serves four infants.
Teton County owns the land and the building. We have a long term $1/yr. lease. The building is 2 years old, 15,000 sqf, houses 7 classrooms, and 120 children.
Rafter J
Teton County owns the land and the building. CLC has a long term $1/yr. lease. The building is 5 years old, 11,960 sqf, houses 5 classrooms, 85 children, and Teton County’s Special Education program.
CLC owns the building and the land. Ownership reverts to the county in the event CLC ceases to offer intervention services. The building is 14 years old, 6,066 sqf, houses 2 classrooms, 29 children and Pinedale’s Special Education program.
Big Piney
CLC leases space in the recreation center from the town of Big Piney for $463/mo. We have 4,800 sqf, which houses 2 classrooms, 29 children, and Big Piney’s Special Education program.
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) sets standards for excellence in early education. Organization-wide we meet or beat national standards for developmentally appropriate practices and student-teacher ratios in all classrooms. CLC’s early childhood education and care program is holistic and inclusive.
Wyoming Department of Family Services is our state licensing agency.
Curriculum and Curriculum Assessment
Creative Curriculum (research based, holistic), the Pyramid Model (framework for social-emotional development), Teaching Strategies Gold (assessment tool to track developmental progress of children) , and CLASS (assessment tool to measure classroom effectiveness) are used to ensure CLC is providing consistent care throughout the organization.
Early Head Start (EHS)
EHS services (child development, health, parenting, and family support for ages birth to 3) are delivered at family homes for 48 children.
Head Start (HS)
HS is our program for children ages 3-5 from at-risk families; it is 6 hours per day, 4 days a week, 10 months a year; for 40 children.
Special Education
CLC is designated by the state as Region 4 –including Teton and Sublette Counties – providing free developmental screenings and early interventions to any child birth through 5 as part of the state funded “Child Find Program.” Services are delivered at childcare centers, CLC facilities, and/or in homes.
Early Childhood Education and Care Program
Teton County’s full day, year-round childcare and education program serves children ages 6 weeks through 5 years old and offers various preschool options including Montessori. About a 25% of the students also receive Special Education services. Sublette County offers half-day preschool 10 months annually, for 3 to 5 year olds. Up to 40% of the students are receiving Special Education services. Sublette programs are NAEYC accredited.
Amount of scholarships awarded in FY2022-2023